My Unaffiliated Affilation With Politics

24 Nov
My Unaffiliated Affilation With Politics

This is a super short post, but I recently had a “first” for me and wanted to share some basic thoughts.

My wife and I moved from Arkansas to Kansas (officially in July) and recently I went to get my Kansas driver’s license. As we all know when you get your driver’s license you can also register to vote which allows you to identify yourself with a political party…if so desired.

Since day 1 of being a registered voter I have always been registered as a Republican. For the first time in my 22 year voting tenure I am now registered as, “Unaffiliated”. To say I’m upset with the Republican party would be a huge understatement. I really can’t stand what they now stand for, how they try to legislate morality, and what certain Republicans try to do to create division in attempting to script their narrative of what “biblical” means. I honestly feel some of these Republicans are less Christ-like than they even know.

Democrats aren’t off the hook either – they like to legislate morality just as much as Republicans. I have no desire to live in a nanny-state. Dear Democrats, government intervention is not the answer to every question and in most cases it’s the worst possible answer to almost every question.
The pendulum for me began to swing away from the Republicans about 13 years ago when the Republicans started aligning themselves more as a party that desired to legislate morality. In no way do I believe the government should be making moral decisions. Shoving laws and regulations down peoples’ throats is not a way to make a virtuous society. It only creates harsh dividing lines; and with each topic/issue it creates an us vs them scenario – god knows we need more unity and less division in our society.

This time when I went to get my driver’s license there were four choices for affiliation: Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Unaffiliated. I was very surprised and happy to see Libertarian as an option. But even though I identify more with Libertarian values politically I don’t feel the need to hitch my wagon to anyone in particular. This decision has been very freeing for me – I can now say I speak for myself instead of backing a specific party platform.

All that to say my vote can be bought. The right cigar or bourbon can garner my vote for your candidate…just kidding…kinda. 😜

In the near future I will have a longer post expounding upon the specific reasons of why I am no longer affiliated with the Republican party…but probably before that I’ll have posts on the rapture and later today a post on a gut check on my perspective.

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Posted by on November 24, 2015 in culture, politics


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